Month and Sub-District wise data related to all Health Indicators under Health Management Information System (HMIS) for Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2015-16

Dataset Overview

Data Preview

2015-16NovemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCTotal number of pregnant women Registered for ANCPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL2630value in Absolute Number
2015-16AprilMadhya PradeshSidhiSinhawalM17 Details of deaths reported during the month with probable causes:Number of cases of Adolescent or Adult deaths (age 6 years & above) with the probable cause being Animal bites and stingsPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesAbove 55 yrs.value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCTotal number of pregnant women given 100 IFA tabletsPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL3387value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCNumber of pregnant women given TT2 or Booster during current pregnancyPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL2670value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCNumber of pregnant women given TT1 during current pregnancyPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL2335value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCNumber of pregnant women received 3 ANC check ups during pregnancyPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL3249value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCNumber of Pregnant women registered under JSYPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL2706value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCOf which Number registered within first trimester (within 12 weeks)Public and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL1846value in Absolute Number
2015-16SeptemberMadhya PradeshSidhiSidhiM1 Ante Natal Care Services ANCTotal number of pregnant women Registered for ANCPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL3107value in Absolute Number
2015-16AprilMadhya PradeshSidhiSinhawalM17 Details of deaths reported during the month with probable causes:Number of cases of Adolescent or Adult deaths (age 6 years & above) where the cause was not knownPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTotalvalue in Absolute Number


NameNumber of Distinct ValuesNumber of Unique ValuesTypeCount



Health Management Information System. Month and Sub-District wise data related to all Health Indicators under Health Management Information System (HMIS) for Sidhi district of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2015-16 [Data set]. Dataful.