Data in table tells us about the year-wise physical progress of rural roads under Bharat Nirman. Data is available in two categories- New connectivity and Upgradation. The parameters are- Habitations covered during the year, Habitations covered up to the end of year, Road constructed during the year, Road constructed up to the end of year, Road upgraded during the year and Road upgraded up to the ...
fiscal_year | category | parameter | value | unit | note |
2014-15 | New Connectivety | Habitations covered during the year | 1445 | value in Absolute Number | |
2014-15 | New Connectivety | Habitations covered upto the end of year | 52698 | value in Absolute Number | |
2014-15 | New Connectivety | Road costructed during the year | 15386.84 | value in Kilometer | |
2014-15 | New Connectivety | Road costructed upto the end of year | 188303.5 | value in Kilometer | |
2014-15 | Upgradation | Road upgraded during the year | 5598.59 | value in Kilometer |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Year-wise Physical progress of rural roads under Bharat Nirman (All India) [Data set]. Dataful.