The data shows the year-wise number of elected representatives of Panchayati Raj institutions and representations of underrepresented sections of the society in Panchayats between 2001 and 2008. Note: 1. 2013 data is as on 01.3.2013. 2. 2014 data is as on 01.3.2014.
year | panchayat_type | parameter | value | unit | note |
2001 | Gram Panchayat | Total | 2739666 | value in Absolute Number | |
2002 | Gram Panchayat | Total | 1630327 | value in Absolute Number | |
2004 | Gram Panchayat | Total | 2065882 | value in Absolute Number | |
2006 | Gram Panchayat | Total | 2656476 | value in Absolute Number | |
2007 | Gram Panchayat | Total | 2645883 | value in Absolute Number |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Year-wise Panchayati Raj Institutions: Number of Elected Representatives [Data set]. Dataful.