The data shows the year-wise number of institutions and schools for higher education and school education for different levels of education. Note: 1. Data for Higher Education is till 2021-22 only. 2. No. of Colleges (2000-01 to 2009-10) includes stand alone Institutions like Polytechnics. 3. Total of all schools includes schools from Class I to Class XII for General Education Only (Pre-Primary a...
fiscal_year | education_institution | institution_type | value | unit | note |
2023-24 | School Education Institutions | Intermediate/ Senior Secondary Schools | 158886 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | School Education Institutions | High/ Secondary Schools | 143978 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | School Education Institutions | Upper Primary Schools | 432416 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | School Education Institutions | Primary Schools | 736611 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | School Education Institutions | Total of All Schools | 1471891 | value in absolute number | |
2022-23 | School Education Institutions | Intermediate/ Senior Secondary Schools | 150289 | value in absolute number | |
2022-23 | School Education Institutions | High/ Secondary Schools | 145452 | value in absolute number | |
2022-23 | School Education Institutions | Upper Primary Schools | 426894 | value in absolute number | |
2022-23 | School Education Institutions | Primary Schools | 743474 | value in absolute number | |
2022-23 | School Education Institutions | Total of All Schools | 1466109 | value in absolute number |
All India Survey on Higher Education. Year-wise All India level Total Number of Educational Institutions and Schools [Data set]. Dataful.