This data shows the year-wise and item-wise distribution of growth of the Indian fleet as categorised by the type of vessels in the period. Note: 1. Data as on 31st December. 2. Dry Cargo Liner vessels include Barges, Bulk Carriers, Cellular Containers, Container Ship, Dredgers, General Cargo, Hooper Dredger, Motor Launch, Motorship, Motor Tanker, Motor Tender, Motor Tug, MPSV, MSV, Port Tr...
year | vessel_type | item | value | unit | note |
2023 | Dry Cargo Liner | No of Vessels | 900 | value in Absolute Number | vessel_type: Includes Barges, Bulk Carriers, Cellular Containers, Container Ship, Dredgers, General Cargo, Hooper Dredger, Motor Launch, Motorship, Motor Tanker, Motor Tender, Motor Tug, MPSV, MSV, Port Trusts & Maritime Boards, Ro-Ro Container Vessels, Supply Vessels and Tugs. |
2023 | Dry Cargo Liner | Gross Registered Tonnage | 3370 | value in Thousand Tonnes | vessel_type: Includes Barges, Bulk Carriers, Cellular Containers, Container Ship, Dredgers, General Cargo, Hooper Dredger, Motor Launch, Motorship, Motor Tanker, Motor Tender, Motor Tug, MPSV, MSV, Port Trusts & Maritime Boards, Ro-Ro Container Vessels, Supply Vessels and Tugs. |
2023 | Dry Cargo Liner | Dead Weight Tonnage | 4809 | value in Thousand Tonnes | vessel_type: Includes Barges, Bulk Carriers, Cellular Containers, Container Ship, Dredgers, General Cargo, Hooper Dredger, Motor Launch, Motorship, Motor Tanker, Motor Tender, Motor Tug, MPSV, MSV, Port Trusts & Maritime Boards, Ro-Ro Container Vessels, Supply Vessels and Tugs. |
2023 | Dry Cargo Bulk carrier | No of Vessels | 99 | value in Absolute Number | vessel_type: Includes AHTS, Electric Propulsion, Floating Cranes, Research Vessels and Well Stimulation. |
2023 | Dry Cargo Bulk carrier | Gross Registered Tonnage | 2109 | value in Thousand Tonnes | vessel_type: Includes AHTS, Electric Propulsion, Floating Cranes, Research Vessels and Well Stimulation. |
2023 | Dry Cargo Bulk carrier | Dead Weight Tonnage | 2827 | value in Thousand Tonnes | vessel_type: Includes AHTS, Electric Propulsion, Floating Cranes, Research Vessels and Well Stimulation. |
2023 | Oil Tanker | No of Vessels | 197 | value in Absolute Number | vessel_type:Includes Acid Carriers, Chemical Tanker, LPG Carriers and Ethylene Gas Carriers. |
2023 | Oil Tanker | Gross Registered Tonnage | 7673 | value in Thousand Tonnes | vessel_type:Includes Acid Carriers, Chemical Tanker, LPG Carriers and Ethylene Gas Carriers. |
2023 | Oil Tanker | Dead Weight Tonnage | 12742 | value in Thousand Tonnes | vessel_type:Includes Acid Carriers, Chemical Tanker, LPG Carriers and Ethylene Gas Carriers. |
2023 | Ore/oil Bulk carrier | No of Vessels | 0 | value in Absolute Number |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. Year-wise Growth of Indian Fleet- By Type of Vessels [Data set]. Dataful.