This dataset contains the gender-wise details of enrolment at different levels of education such as primary, upper primary, elementary, secondary, and higher secondary, irrespective of the type of school. Note: 1. Data for 2012-13 and 2013-14 is Provisional. 2. Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, seconda...
fiscal_year | school_type | gender | education_level | value | unit | note |
2023-24 | All Management | Boys | Pre-Primary | 70 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Girls | Pre-Primary | 61 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Total | Pre-Primary | 131 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Boys | Primary | 562 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Girls | Primary | 516 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Total | Primary | 1078 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Boys | Upper Primary | 327 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Girls | Upper Primary | 304 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Total | Upper Primary | 631 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
2023-24 | All Management | Boys | Elementary | 890 | value in Lakhs | Pre-Primary is below Class 1, Primary is from classes 1 to 5, Upper primary from classes 6 to 8, Elementary from classes 1 to 8, secondary from classes 9 to 10, Higher secondary from classes 11 to 12. |
Ministry of Education. All India, Year and Gender-wise Enrolment of Students by level of School Education [Data set]. Dataful.