This Dataset shows District, Food Crops and Non-Food Crops wise total irrigated area for Uttarakhand. It also has data for Food Crops like Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Sugar and Non-Food Crops, Oil Seeds, Fibres, Fodder Crops
fiscal_year | state | district | category | category_major | category_minor | sub_category | value | unit | note |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | UTTAR KASHI | Non Food Crop | Oilseeds | 0 | value in Hectare | |||
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Barley | Total | 57 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Rice | Autumn | 8626 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Rice | Winter | 0 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Rice | Summer | 0 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Rice | Total | 8626 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Jowar | Kharif | 0 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Jowar | Rabi | 0 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Jowar | Total | 0 | value in Hectare | |
2020-21 | Uttarakhand | DEHRADUN | Food Crop | Cereals and Millets | Bajra | Total | 0 | value in Hectare |
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. Master Data: District and Crop wise Total Irrigated Area in Uttarakhand [Data set]. Dataful.