This Dataset contains fiscal year and country-wise import, export and trade balance data of all commodities in Indian Rupees and US Dollars
fiscal_year | country | category | value_rupee | value_usd | currency | unit | note |
2024-25 | Afghanistan | Export | 181999.63 | 217.2 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Afghanistan | Import | 354638.5 | 422.6 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Afghanistan | Trade Balance | -172638.87 | -205.4 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Albania | Export | 36980.14 | 44.13 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Albania | Import | 5315.19 | 6.35 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Albania | Trade Balance | 31664.95 | 37.78 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Algeria | Export | 526619.48 | 628.35 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Algeria | Import | 543158.67 | 649.61 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | Algeria | Trade Balance | -16539.19 | -21.26 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million | |
2024-25 | All Countries | Export | 236788372.55 | 282699.23 | value_rupee: INR, value_usd: USD | value_rupee in Lakh, value_usd in Million |
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Master Data: Fiscal Year and Country-wise Import, Export and Trade Balance Data [Data set]. Dataful.