This dataset contains the State, Year and Management-wise Infrastructure facilities in Schools. It includes the number of schools with availability of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) friendly toilet and functional CWSN friendly toilet, Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room facility, computer facility, functional computer facility for pedagogical purpose, Functional Rain Water Harvest...
fiscal_year | state | category | management_type | value | unit | note |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) friendly toilet and functional CWSN friendly toilet | All management | 115 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) friendly toilet and functional CWSN friendly toilet | Government | 95 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) friendly toilet and functional CWSN friendly toilet | Government Aided | 0 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) friendly toilet and functional CWSN friendly toilet | Others | 0 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Children With Special Needs (CWSN) friendly toilet and functional CWSN friendly toilet | Private Unaided | 20 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room facility | All management | 111 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room facility | Government | 76 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room facility | Government Aided | 1 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room facility | Others | 0 | value in absolute number | |
2023-24 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Number of schools by management and availability of Co-curricular activity room/arts and crafts room facility | Private Unaided | 34 | value in absolute number |
Ministry of Education. State, Year and Management-wise Infrastructure facilities in Schools [Data set]. Dataful.