The dataset contains year- and country-wise global data on extent of land under forest, wood and other lands in the world Note: The UN defines types of forests as under: Naturally Regenerating Forest: Forest predominantly composed of trees established though natural regeneration. Planted Forest: Forest predominantly composed of trees established through planting and/or deliberate seeding Plan...
year | country | type_of_land | value | unit |
2020 | Afghanistan | Forest Land | 1208.44 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Afghanistan | Other wooded land | 571.61 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Afghanistan | Other land | 63505.95 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Afghanistan | Total land area | 65286 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Albania | Forest Land | 788.9 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Albania | Other wooded land | 262.97 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Albania | Other land | 1688.13 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Albania | Total land area | 2740 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Algeria | Forest Land | 1949 | value in thousand hectares |
2020 | Algeria | Other wooded land | 2590 | value in thousand hectares |
United Nations. Global Forest Cover and Changes: Year- and Country-wise Extent of Area under Naturally Regenerating, Planted, and Plantation Forests [Data set]. Dataful.