State-wise Incidence of Livestock Diseases In India
Dataset Overview
The data shows the number of Livestock and Poultry state wise for 2012.
Data Preview
fiscal_year | disease | incidence_type | value | unit | note |
2005 | Foot & Mouth Disease | Outbreak | 2270 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Haemorrhagic Septicaemia | Outbreak | 775 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Black Quarter | Outbreak | 519 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Anthrax | Outbreak | 119 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Fascioliasis | Outbreak | 67 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Enterotoxaemia | Outbreak | 521 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Sheep & Goat Pox | Outbreak | 529 | value in Absolute Number | |
2005 | Cow Pox | Outbreak | value in Absolute Number | ||
2005 | Buffalo Pox | Outbreak | value in Absolute Number | ||
2005 | Blue Tongue | Outbreak | 1183 | value in Absolute Number |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. State-wise Incidence of Livestock Diseases In India [Data set]. Dataful.