This dataset contains the All India, Year, Month, Sphere and dispute-wise number of industrial disputes in India, the number of workers involved, and the number of mandays lost. It also has details on dispute type based on its time of occurence- whether starting of the month or In progress during a part or whole of the month. Note: 'Sphere' indicates 'Central/State sphere' under whose jurisdictio...
year | industrial_dispute_type | sphere | month | category | sub_category | value | unit | note |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | January | Number of disputes | In progress during a part or whole of the month | 9 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | January | Number of disputes | Starting during the month | 0 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | January | Number of workers involved directly and / or indirectly in disputes | In progress during a part or whole of the month | 4410 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | January | Number of workers involved directly and / or indirectly in disputes | Starting during the month | 0 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | January | Number of mandays lost | Number of mandays lost | 112600 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | February | Number of disputes | In progress during a part or whole of the month | 11 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | February | Number of disputes | Starting during the month | 2 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | February | Number of workers involved directly and / or indirectly in disputes | In progress during a part or whole of the month | 4702 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | February | Number of workers involved directly and / or indirectly in disputes | Starting during the month | 292 | value in absolute number | |
2018 | Lockouts | Central and State | February | Number of mandays lost | Number of mandays lost | 104898 | value in absolute number |
Ministry of Labour and Employment. All India, Year, Month, Sphere, and dispute type-wise number of industrial disputes, number of workers involved and the mandays lost. [Data set]. Dataful.