This dataset contains the All-India, Year and sector-wise Energy-intensity of major energy-consuming sectors. It is used to understand how efficiently the technologies are being used in different sectors to improve the efficiency of energy generation. It is calculated as the ratio of Amount of energy consumed against a sector and the Gross Value Addition (GVA) of that sector. Note: Data for 2022-2...
fiscal_year | indicator | sector_type | value | unit | note |
2022-23 | Energy Intensity | Industry | 273.97 | value in MegaJoule | Provisional |
2022-23 | Energy Intensity | Agriculture | 39.16 | value in MegaJoule | Provisional |
2022-23 | Energy Intensity | Transport | 410.13 | value in MegaJoule | Provisional |
2021-22 | Energy Intensity | Industry | 263.71 | value in MegaJoule | |
2021-22 | Energy Intensity | Agriculture | 39.48 | value in MegaJoule |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. All-India, Year and Sector-wise Energy Intensity [Data set]. Dataful.