This dataset provides the unemployment rates (in percent) for individuals or youth aged 15-29 years, based on usual status (ps+ss), as estimated from the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS). Sourced from the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, this data highlights youth unemployment trends over time. The years covered in the survey are from July to June. For instance, 2023-24 refe...
fiscal_year | region | gender | unemployment_rate | unit | note |
2023-24 | rural | male | 8.7 | unemployment_rate in percentage | |
2023-24 | rural | female | 8.2 | unemployment_rate in percentage | |
2023-24 | rural | person | 8.5 | unemployment_rate in percentage | |
2023-24 | urban | male | 12.8 | unemployment_rate in percentage | |
2023-24 | urban | female | 20.1 | unemployment_rate in percentage |
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. PLFS: Year, Region, and Gender wise Unemployment Rate among Youth [Data set]. Dataful.