The dataset contains historical data on per capita availability of important article of consumption, such as edible oil, vanaspati, sugar, cloth, tea, coffee, domestic electricity, etc.
fiscal_year | article_type | value | unit | note |
2021-22 | Electricity Domestic | 248.28 | value in kilowatt hour | |
2021-22 | Vanaspati | 0.5 | value in kilogram | category: relates to calendar year. |
2021-22 | Cloth Man-made and Cotton | 48.1 | value in meters | category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
2021-22 | Tea | 872 | value in gram | |
2021-22 | Cloth Cotton | 25.8 | value in meters | category: figures for blended/mixed fabrics were not separately available prior to 1969. these have been included under man-made fibre fabrics after 1969. category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
2021-22 | Sugar | 19.9 | value in kilogram | category: relates to actual releases for domestic consumption, sugar season/year commencing from november to october of following year as opposed to financial. |
2021-22 | Coffee | 100 | value in gram | category: figures up to 1971-72 relate to coffee season and are thereafter on calendar year basis. |
2021-22 | Edible oil | 21 | value in kilogram | category: includes groundnut oils, rapeseed and mustard oil, sesamum oil, nigerseed oil, soyabean oil and sunflower oil but excludes oil for manufacture of vanaspati. |
2021-22 | Cloth Man-made | 22.3 | value in meters | category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
2020-21 | Cloth Man-made | 19.3 | value in meters | category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
Ministry of Finance. Articles of Consumption: Year-wise Per Captia Availability of Important Articles of Consumption [Data set]. Dataful.