Articles of Consumption: Year-wise Per Captia Availability of Important Articles of Consumption
Dataset Overview
The dataset contains historical data on per capita availability of important article of consumption, such as edible oil, vanaspati, sugar, cloth, tea, coffee, domestic electricity, etc.
Data Preview
fiscal_year | article_type | value | unit | note |
2021-22 | unknown | |||
2021-22 | Cloth Man-made | 22.3 | value in meters | category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
2021-22 | Cloth Cotton | 25.8 | value in meters | category: figures for blended/mixed fabrics were not separately available prior to 1969. these have been included under man-made fibre fabrics after 1969. category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
2021-22 | Tea | 872 | value in gram | |
2021-22 | Sugar | 19.9 | value in kilogram | category: relates to actual releases for domestic consumption, sugar season/year commencing from november to october of following year as opposed to financial. |
2021-22 | Cloth Man-made and Cotton | 48.1 | value in meters | category: the data of cloth; prior to 1980-81 is calender year wise; in meters upto 1984-85; in square meter from 1985-86 onwards. |
2021-22 | Coffee | 100 | value in gram | category: figures up to 1971-72 relate to coffee season and are thereafter on calendar year basis. |
2021-22 | Electricity Domestic | 248.28 | value in kilowatt hour | |
2021-22 | unknown | |||
2021-22 | Edible oil | 21 | value in kilogram | category: includes groundnut oils, rapeseed and mustard oil, sesamum oil, nigerseed oil, soyabean oil and sunflower oil but excludes oil for manufacture of vanaspati. |
Ministry of Finance. Articles of Consumption: Year-wise Per Captia Availability of Important Articles of Consumption [Data set]. Dataful.