This dataset contains the impact of steps taken for conservation of energy in Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. It includes the specific energy consumption and the carbon dioxide emissions.
fiscal_year | category | value | unit | note |
2022-23 | CO2 Emission | 2.67 | value in tonnes per tonne of crude steel | |
2022-23 | Energy Consumption | 6.24 | value in Gigacalorie per tonne of crude steel | |
2021-22 | CO2 Emission | 2.6 | value in tonnes per tonne of crude steel | |
2021-22 | Energy Consumption | 6.02 | value in Gigacalorie per tonne of crude steel | |
2020-21 | CO2 Emission | 2.69 | value in tonnes per tonne of crude steel |
Ministry of Steel. All-India, Yearwise specific energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of Vizag Steel Plant [Data set]. Dataful.