The dataset contains region- and country-wise globally compiled data on the number of chromist species which are in the red list category, as per International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The different types of red list categories of species covered in the dataset include species which are extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered (possibly extinct), critically endangered (po...
data_as_on | region | country | red_list_category | value | unit | note |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Extinct | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Extinct in the Wild | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct in the Wild) | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Critically Endangered | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Endangered | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Vulnerable | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Lower Risk/conservation dependent | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Near Threatened or Lower Risk/near threatened | 0 | value in absolute number | |
04-Oct-2023 | West and Central Asia | Afghanistan | Least Concern or Lower Risk/least concern | 0 | value in absolute number |
International Union for Conservation of Nature. Climate Change: Region- and Country-wise Number of Red List Chromist Species in the World, as per IUCN [Data set]. Dataful.