This dataset contains the all-India and yearwise key social parameters such as labour productivity, spending on CSR, percentage of female employees, and training imparted by the Steel Authority of India.
fiscal_year | category | value | unit | note |
2023-24 | Labour Productivity | 579 | value in Ton of crude steel per man per year | |
2023-24 | Training | value in Manhours per employee per year | Data not available | |
2023-24 | Spending on CSR | 161.93 | value in Rupee Crore | |
2023-24 | Female Employees | 6.7 | value in Percentage | |
2022-23 | Labour Productivity | 521 | value in Ton of crude steel per man per year |
Ministry of Steel. All-India, Year-wise Key Social performance Indicators for SAIL [Data set]. Dataful.