This dataset contains the all-India and year-wise details of the investigations assigned to serious fraud investigation office (SFIO). It also includes the data of the number of investigations completed by SFIO. Note: This data includes both the number of companies against which investigations are assigned and number of cases assigned, as well as the completion status for both.
fiscal_year | type | investigation_status | value | unit | note |
2003-04 | Number of Companies | Investigation Assigned | 6 | value in absolute number | |
2003-04 | Number of Companies | Investigation Completed | 1 | value in absolute number | |
2004-05 | Number of Companies | Investigation Assigned | 20 | value in absolute number | |
2004-05 | Number of Companies | Investigation Completed | 3 | value in absolute number | |
2005-06 | Number of Companies | Investigation Assigned | 5 | value in absolute number |
Ministry of Corporate Affairs. All-India and Year-wise investigations assigned to SFIO and the number of investigations closed [Data set]. Dataful.