High Frequency Indicator: The dataset contains year- and month-wise compiled data from the year 2004-05 to till date on the growth index of eight core industries (ICI) of India from the base years 2004-05 and 2011-12. The eight core industries of India are Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products, Fertilizers, Steel, Cement and Electricity
fiscal_year | month | base_year | industry | index_value | growth_rate | units | notes |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Overall | 191.8 | 191.8 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Coal | 207.75 | 207.75 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Crude Oil | 108.6 | 108.6 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Natural Gas | 103.46 | 103.46 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Petroleum Refinery Products | 199.27 | 199.27 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Fertilizers | 118.77 | 118.77 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Steel | 248.34 | 248.34 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Cement | 205.13 | 205.13 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Electricity | 206.57 | 206.57 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage | |
2016-17 | January | 2004-05 | Overall | 3.39 | 3.39 | index_value in indices, growth_rate in percentage |
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Year- and Month-wise Index Value and Growth Rate of Eight Core Industries (ICI) in India [Data set]. Dataful. https://dataful.in/datasets/18569