The dataset contains year-, state-, region- and breed-wise compiled census data on livestock animals such as Bovine, Buffalo, Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Mules, Donkeys, Mithun, Pig, Camels, Horses, Ponies, Yak , etc. and poultry birds such as Cock, Hen, Chicken, Quail, Turkey, Layer, Broiler, Duck, Ducklings, Emu, Ostrich, etc., by their different breeds such as desi, exotic, indigenous, improved, etc...
year | state | area | census | livestock_name | livestock_category | bread | gender | age_group | value | unit | note |
2019 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 370048 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Andhra Pradesh | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 84609259 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Arunachal Pradesh | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 1755 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Assam | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 660071 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Bihar | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 7397543 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Chandigarh | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 41162 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Chhattisgarh | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 10123882 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 141 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Daman and Diu | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 18 | value in Absolute Number | ||||
2019 | Delhi | Rural and Urban | 20Th Livestock Census | Total Fowl | Commercial Poultry | 4203 | value in Absolute Number |
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Diarying. Livestock and Poultry Census: Year-, State-,Gender- and Age-group-wise Livestock Animals and Poultry Birds in India [Data set]. Dataful.