All India Year wise number of accounts, credit limit and outstanding amount of scheduled commercial banks according by Interest Rate Range
Dataset Overview
The dataset shows all India number of accounts, credit limit and outstanding amount of scheduled commercial banks according to interest rate range and account type
Data Preview
year | irrange | acctype | no_of_accounts | credit_limit | outstanding_amount | currency_type | unit | note |
2022 | LESS THAN 5% | CASH CREDIT | 47372 | 181239 | 142161 | INR | no_of_accounts in Absolute Number, credit_limit in Crore, outstanding_amount in Crore | |
2022 | LESS THAN 5% | DEMAND LOANS | 101806 | 238988 | 169771 | INR | no_of_accounts in Absolute Number, credit_limit in Crore, outstanding_amount in Crore | |
2022 | LESS THAN 5% | LONG TERM LOANS | 111237 | 132808 | 113535 | INR | no_of_accounts in Absolute Number, credit_limit in Crore, outstanding_amount in Crore | |
2022 | LESS THAN 5% | MEDIUM TERM LOANS | 14712 | 154772 | 131199 | INR | no_of_accounts in Absolute Number, credit_limit in Crore, outstanding_amount in Crore | |
2022 | LESS THAN 5% | OVERDRAFTS | 39354 | 51023 | 18086 | INR | no_of_accounts in Absolute Number, credit_limit in Crore, outstanding_amount in Crore |
Reserve Bank of India. All India Year wise number of accounts, credit limit and outstanding amount of scheduled commercial banks according by Interest Rate Range [Data set]. Dataful.