The dataset shows Currency With the Public, Demand Deposits, Time Deposits, Other' Deposits with RBI, Reserve Money (M0), Narrow Money (M1), Broad Money (M3), Net Bank Credit to Government, Bank Credit to Commercial Sector, Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector, Government's Currency Liabilities to the Public, Banking Sector's Net Non-monetary Liabilities
fiscal_year | aggregate_type | amount | unit |
2023-24 | Currency With the Public | 3282182.51 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Demand Deposits | 2436808.37 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Time Deposits | 17978445.18 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | 'Other' Deposits with RBI | 75678.41 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Reserve Money | 4444981.31 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Narrow Money (M1) | 5794669.29 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Broad Money (M3) | 23773114.47 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Net Bank Credit to Government | 7296915.95 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Bank Credit to Commercial Sector | 15971708.1 | amount in rupees crore |
2023-24 | Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector | 5144662.94 | amount in rupees crore |
Reserve Bank of India. Year wise Monetary aggregates of RBI [Data set]. Dataful.