The dataset contains All India Daily MIBID (Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate) and MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate) in Financial Market.
data_as_on | term | rate_type | rate | standard_deviation | unit |
04-12-2024 | 1 Month | Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | ||
04-12-2024 | 1 Month | Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate | 7.09 | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | |
04-12-2024 | 14 Days | Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | ||
04-12-2024 | 14 Days | Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate | 6.93 | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | |
04-12-2024 | 3 Months | Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | ||
04-12-2024 | 3 Months | Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate | 7.29 | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | |
04-12-2024 | Overnight | Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | ||
04-12-2024 | Overnight | Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate | 6.5 | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | |
03-12-2024 | 1 Month | Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number | ||
03-12-2024 | 1 Month | Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate | 7.09 | rate in percentage per annum,standard_deviation in absolute number |
Reserve Bank of India. Day wise MIBID (Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate) and MIBOR (Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate) in Financial Market [Data set]. Dataful.