This Dataset contains sub-district wise data for all the indicators related to Family Planning, Maternal Health, and Immunization under HMIS for the West Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya. The data is also given at different levels of facilities like Public, Private, Rural and Urban and at different age group levels.
fiscal_year | state | district | sub_district | indicator | value | unit | note |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Urban Block | Number of pregnant women received 4 or more ANC check ups | 322 | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Khliehriat Block | Percent of live birth to Reported Birth | value in Percentage | value: from month april to march | |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Urban Block | Number of beneficiaries given 1st dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | 90 | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Number of beneficiaries given 2nd dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | 461 | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march | |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Amlarem Block | Number of beneficiaries given 2nd dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | 84 | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Khliehriat Block | Number of beneficiaries given 2nd dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march | |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Laskein Block | Number of beneficiaries given 2nd dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | 98 | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | SAIPUNG BLOCK | Number of beneficiaries given 2nd dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march | |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein Block | Number of beneficiaries given 2nd dose of Injectable (Antara Program) | 206 | value in Absolute Number | value: from month april to march |
2019-20 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Percent of live birth to Reported Birth | 97.5 | value in Percentage | value: from month april to march |
Health Management Information System. Sub-District wise Data for all Health Indicators under Health Management Information System (HMIS) for the West Jaintia Hills District of Meghalaya [Data set]. Dataful.