This Dataset contains Year and Sub-District wise data for all the indicators related to Family Planning, Maternal Health, and Immunization under HMIS for West Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya. The data is also given at different levels of facilities like Public, Private, Rural and Urban and at different age group levels
fiscal_year | state | district | sub_district | indicator_head | indicator | facility_category | category | value | unit | note |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M15 Laboratory Testing | Number of Hb tests conducted | Rural | TOTAL | 5461 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M15 Laboratory Testing | Number of Lab Tests done | Rural | TOTAL | 31840 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Total number of blood units issued in month | Rural | TOTAL | 0 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Blood Units Issued on replacement (Any Donors to be considered as replacement donations) | Rural | TOTAL | 0 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Stock out rate of essential Drugs | Rural | TOTAL | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional | |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Number of Anganwadi centres/ UPHCs reported to have conducted Village Health & Nutrition Day (VHNDs)/ Urban Health & Nutrition Day (UHNDs)/ Outreach / Special Outreach | Rural | TOTAL | 1728 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Number of Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS) meetings held | Rural | TOTAL | 0 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Number of children discharged with target weight gain from the NRCs | Rural | TOTAL | 0 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Number of children admitted in NRC | Rural | TOTAL | 0 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
2021-22 | Meghalaya | West Jaintia Hills | Thadlaskein | M14 Patient Services | Number of deaths occurring at SNCU | Rural | TOTAL | 0 | value in Absolute Number | fiscal_year: value is Provisional |
Health Management Information System. Year and Sub-District-wise data related to all Health Indicators under Health Management Information System (HMIS) for the West Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya [Data set]. Dataful.