Month and Sub-District wise data related to all Health Indicators under Health Management Information System (HMIS) for Kanpur Dehat district of Uttar Pradesh for the year 2019-20

Dataset Overview

This Dataset contains Month and Sub-District wise data for all the indicators related to Family Planning, Maternal Health, and Immunization under HMIS for Kanpur Dehat district of Uttar Pradesh. The data is also given at different levels of facilities like Public, Private, Rural and Urban and at different age group levels

Data Preview

2019-20FebruaryUttar PradeshKanpur DehatKanpur DehatM1 Ante Natal Care (ANC)Total number of pregnant women registered for ANCPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL4951value in Absolute Number
2019-20MayUttar PradeshKanpur DehatKanpur DehatM1 Ante Natal Care (ANC)Number of PW given TT BoosterPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL746value in Absolute Number
2019-20DecemberUttar PradeshKanpur DehatSerwenkhedaM16 Details of deaths reported with probable causes:Number of Deaths due to Malaria- Plasmodium FalciparumRuralTOTAL0value in Absolute Number
2019-20DecemberUttar PradeshKanpur DehatSerwenkhedaM16 Details of deaths reported with probable causes:Number of Deaths due to Kala AzarRuralTOTAL0value in Absolute Number
2019-20DecemberUttar PradeshKanpur DehatSerwenkhedaM16 Details of deaths reported with probable causes:Number of Deaths due to DengueRuralTOTAL0value in Absolute Number
2019-20DecemberUttar PradeshKanpur DehatSerwenkhedaM16 Details of deaths reported with probable causes:Number of Deaths due to Acute Encephelitis Syndrome (AES)RuralTOTAL0value in Absolute Number
2019-20DecemberUttar PradeshKanpur DehatSerwenkhedaM16 Details of deaths reported with probable causes:Number of Deaths due to Japanese Encephalitis (JE)RuralTOTAL0value in Absolute Number
2019-20MayUttar PradeshKanpur DehatKanpur DehatM1 Ante Natal Care (ANC)Total number of pregnant women registered for ANCPublic and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL4728value in Absolute Number
2019-20MayUttar PradeshKanpur DehatKanpur DehatM1 Ante Natal Care (ANC)Out of the total ANC registered, number registered within 1st trimester (within 12 weeks)Public and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL1506value in Absolute Number
2019-20MayUttar PradeshKanpur DehatKanpur DehatM1 Ante Natal Care (ANC)Number of PW given TT1Public and Private Facilities OR Rural and Urban FacilitiesTOTAL3227value in Absolute Number


NameNumber of Distinct ValuesNumber of Unique ValuesTypeCount



Health Management Information System. Month and Sub-District wise data related to all Health Indicators under Health Management Information System (HMIS) for Kanpur Dehat district of Uttar Pradesh for the year 2019-20 [Data set]. Dataful.