The dataset contains year-wise historical data on Gross Value Added (GVA) at constant prices by types of industry, such as Agriculture,forestry, fishing, mining and quarrying, Financial, real estate and professional services, Manufacturing,construction, electricity, gas and water supply, Trade,hotels, transport and communication, Public administration, defence and other services.
fiscal_year | industry_type | value | unit | note |
2024-25 | Gross value added at basic prices All Industries | 16891195.084 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: 1st advance estimates |
2024-25 | Financial, real estate and professional services | 3960232.462 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: 1st advance estimates |
2024-25 | Agriculture, forestry & fishing, mining and quarrying | 2739035.726 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: 1st advance estimates |
2024-25 | Manufacturing, construction, electricity, gas and water supply | 4857102.864 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: 1st advance estimates |
2024-25 | Trade, hotels, transport & communication | 3128534.063 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: 1st advance estimates |
2024-25 | Public administartion, defence and other services | 2206289.97 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: 1st advance estimates |
2023-24 | Financial, real estate and professional services | 3691644.946 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: provisional estimates |
2023-24 | Trade, hotels, transport & communication | 2955766.611 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: provisional estimates |
2023-24 | Public administartion, defence and other services | 2021798.46 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: provisional estimates |
2023-24 | Manufacturing, construction, electricity, gas and water supply | 4561935.609 | value in rupees crores | fiscal_year: provisional estimates |
Ministry of Finance. GVA: Year-wise Real Gross Value Added at Constant Prices by Types of Industry, since 1951-52 [Data set]. Dataful.