This Collection contains datasets on Year, Country of Citizenship, Gender, Occupation, Age Group, Marital Status and leading US State-wise total number of Persons Obtained Lawful Permanent Resident Status in USA Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) are foreign n... read more
Number of Datasets: 7
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender, US State
2002-03 to 2021-22
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender
2002-03 to 2021-22
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender, Age Group
2002-03 to 2021-22
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender
2005-06 to 2021-22
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender
2002-03 to 2021-22
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender
2002-03 to 2021-22
International Organisation
4 hours
Yearly, Country, Gender
2002-03 to 2004-05