The collection contains All India, State- and District-wise compiled data of National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 3rd, 4th and 5th reports which give statistical data on family planning, child birth, population, medical, health and other parameters, which serve as the statistical indicators data on family profile and health status in India
The different types of health data contained in the dataset include Anaemia among women and children, blood sugar levels and hypertension among men and women, tobacco and alcohol consumption among adults, delivery care and child feeding practices of women, quality of family planning services, screening of cancer among women, marriage and family, maternity care, nutritional status of women, child vaccinations and vitamin A supplementation, treatment of childhood diseases, etc.
Within these categories of health data, the dataset contains indicators data such as births attended by skilled health care professionals and caesarean section, number of children with under and heavy weight, stunted growth, their different vaccinations status, male and female sterilization, consumption of iron folic acid among mothers, mother who had antenatal, postnatal, neonatal services, women who are obese and at the risk of weight to hip ratio, educational status among women and children, sanitation, birth and sex ratio, etc.
The NFHS is a collaborative project of the International Institute for Population Sciences(IIPS), aimed at providing health data to strengthen India's health policies and programmes.